Distribution of products and systems for the music sector.
Creation Date: 1976
via Enzo Ferrari,10
62017 Porto Recanati (MC)
Phone: Tel: +39 0717595011
Fax: Fax: +39 0717595099

Frenexport is a company that operates in the music industry and deals with the production and distribution of musical instruments, professional audio equipment, products for DJs, lights and videos for the show. Its management is based on a lean, flexible and dynamic structure.

Thanks to the resourcefulness of its management and the competence of its staff, the company has grown steadily over its thirty-year history, integrating two generations of entrepreneurs and collaborators.

It is precisely on the basis of this encounter between experience and enthusiastic momentum towards the modernization that Frenexport has built and continues to build its success, year after year.

Frenexport has chosen a lean and flexible organization because the reference market requires a dynamism that a rigid company would not be able to guarantee.

And since an organization is based as much on procedures as on people, the staff is also dynamic, young and in many cases linked to the world of music in various ways.

Next to the typical figures of a commercial company it is therefore possible to find product specialists, technicians, sound engineers, musicians. Because in order to face the challenges of globalization it is not acceptable not to know the market in which it operates, and the only way to really know it is to live it in first person.

The internal staff is flanked by the external one, composed of highly selected sales area managers covering the national territory, Spain, France and the United Kingdom. With these external collaborators, Frenexport feeds daily a two-way flow of information that shortens the distance between the company and its business partners.